Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 Muscles of Mastication

  • Mastication is the process of chewing food in preparation for deglutition (swallowing) and digestion.
  • All muscles of mastication originate on the skull and insert on the mandible. 
  • All muscles of mastication are innervated by the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. 
  •  All muscle of mastication are derivatives of the 1st pharyngeal arch.
  • Movement of the mandible are classified as:  

      1. Elevation 
      2. Depression
      3. Protrusion
      4. Retrusion
      5. Side-to-side (lateral) excursion 

  • Mastication prepares food by chwing for deglutition and digestion.
  • It is the 1st step in the breakdown of food by:

      1.  Making smaller pieces from larger pieces( thus increasing the surface area for digestive breakdown).
      2. Helping soften and lubricate the food with saliva.


  • Base of the skull and the mandible.
  • They articulate at the temporomandibular joint (between the squamous portion of the temporal bone {skull} and the condyle of the mandible)

    • 4 muscles of mastication:

      1. Masseter
      2. Temporalis
      3. Medial pterygoid 
      4. Lateral pterygoid
    • All muscles of mastication are innervated by the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (nerve of the 1st pharyngeal arch).
    • Mastication involves using the 4 muscles in different combinations to move the mandible in 1 of 3 planes in an antagonistic fashion:
      1. Elevation - depression
      2. Protrusion - retrusion
      3. Side - to -side excursion
    • Although the buccinator is not a muscle of mastication, it aids in keeping the bolus of food against the teeth to help in mastication.



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