Showing posts with label Surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surgery. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2022


Defination of pericoronitis:

 Pericoronitis is swelling and infection of the gum tissue around the lower wisdom teeth, lower wisdom teeth that usually appear in your late teens or early 20s. It is most common around the lower wisdom teeth but, mayby coming in any teeth end in the arch.

Causes of pericoronitis:

Pericoronitis occurs around a wisdom tooth that has only partially erupted. A partially-erupted wisdom tooth can leave a flap of gum tissue that collects food particles and other debris—an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

The symptomes of pericoronitis:

its very painful, swollen gingiva near the affected tooth. You may find it hard to bite down in that area without hitting the swollen tissue. 

More severe symptoms include swelling in that part of the face, swollen lymph nodes, and jaw spasms. These are signs of a spreading infection into the throat and neck, which could affect your ability to breathe and swallow.

treatment of preicoronitis:

First, your dentist will flush away the accumulated food particles and other debris from the area. Then, will prescribe a course of oral antibiotics to clear up the infection, also recommend an antibacterial oral rinse that you can use to clear the infected area. You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers, or a pain reliever prescribed by your dentist, to manage the pain. Sometimes, pericoronitis develops near a tooth that is still in the process of erupting, which will continue to come in normally. In that case, your dentist will monitor the area to ensure that it stays clean and infection does not recur, until the tooth has fully come in. If your symptoms are severe, it may also be necessary to have minor oral surgery to remove the flap of gum tissue (operculum).

If it appears that the wisdom tooth will not come in normally, the dentist may recommend that it be extraction. Sometimes, the dentist may remove both upper and lower wisdom teeth.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 Around 10 to 30 percent

. Trusted Source of people have anxiety and concerns about pain with dental procedures. Anxiety can delay getting treatment and that can make the problem worse.

Anesthetics have been around for over 175 years! In fact, the first recorded procedure with an anesthetic was done in 1846 using ether. 

We’ve come a long way since then, and anesthetics are an important tool in helping patients feel comfortable during dental procedures.With lots of different options available, anesthesia can be confusing. We break it down so you’ll feel more confident before your next dental appointment.

The Different Types of Dental Anesthesia

Different types of dental sedations can be used for dental procedures and surgeries. Still, many people are apprehensive about being unconscious during a procedure.  If this sounds like you, you can remain conscious during a procedure and not feel pain and anxiety.

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia used in dental clinics such as Novocaine is injected into the gum line. The area will feel completely numb in as little as a few minutes. You will remain awake and sedated, but you will feel reduced sensations and no pain throughout the procedure. Since dental procedures are mostly not time-consuming and are outpatient procedures, local anesthesia is commonly used. However, lengthier procedures may require the patient to be sedated for longer.

Nitrous Oxide

The dentist combines a local anesthetic with nitrous oxide or laughing gas. You breathe in the medication and gas through a mask. The mask stays on for the duration of the procedure. You will remain conscious throughout the procedure, albeit sedated.

Oral Sedation 

The dentist provides medication to take orally before the procedure. we have many dosage can be achieved. Minimal sedation will put you in a dreamlike state, however, still very much awake. Moderate and deep sedation may make you fall 
asleep, but it should be easy to wake you.

IV Sedation

 Another delivery method of a sedative is intravenously or through a vein. With IV sedation, you will be in a semi-cinscious state and have little or no memory of the actual surgery.

What are the side effects of dental anesthesia?

Side effects of dental anesthesia depend on the type of anesthetic used. General anethesia risker than local anesthesia or sedation.

  • nausea or vomiting

    • headache

      • sweating or shivering

        • hallucinations, delirium, or confusion

          • slurred speech

            • dry mouth or sore throat

              • pain at the site of injection

                • dizziness

                  • tiredness

                    • numbness

                    • lockjaw (trismus) caused by trauma from surgery; the jaw opening is temporarily reduced
                      Vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine added to anesthetics can also cause heart and blood pressure problems.
                      These are some reported side effects of anesthetics. Ask your dental care team about your specific medication and any concerns you may have about the medication.

                      Thursday, March 17, 2022


                      •  Tongue: a musclar structure in the oral cavity, divided in to 2 parts:

                      1.  Oral (pesulcal), movable part-the anterior 2\3 of the tongue 
                      2. Pharyngeal (postsulcal), nonmovable part-the posterior 1\3 of the tongue

                      • The sulcus terminalis, a V-shaped groove immediately posterior to the circumvallate papilla, separates the oral part from the pharyngeal part of the tongue
                      • The foramen cecum, which was the initial development site for the thyroid gland, is located at the tip (or angle) of the V.
                      • Median fibrous septum separates the tongue into halves 


                      • Mastication 
                      •  Taste
                      •  Talking
                      • Degultition


                      • The tongue typically is pink and and covered with numerous small bumps called papilla
                      • Change in color or texture may reflect health problems:

                      1. Leukoplakia
                      2. Squamous cell carcinoma
                      3. Nutritional deficiencies

                      • An unusual appearance of the tongue may represent a benign harmless condition:

                      1. Fissured toungue
                      2. Bkack hairy tongue
                      3. Geographic toungue

                      MUSCLE TYPES

                      • Extrinsic-move the tongue as an anatomic structure 
                      • Intrinsic-change the tongue's shape   


                      geographic tongue

                      hairy tongue 
                      fissured tongue


                      ORAL PART (PRESULCAL)

                      ·         The oral part of the tongue is also known as the anterior 2\3 of the tongue

                      ·         Develops from the 2 lateral lingual swelling and tuberculum impar of the 1st pharyngeal arch-thus mucosa is innervated by the nerve of the 1 st arch, which is the trigeminal nerve (lingual n.)

                      ·         Has a dorsal and a ventral surface

                      Dorsal Surface

                      ·         The mucosa is keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

                      ·         Is bounded posteriorly by the sulcus terminalis



                      Median sulcus

                      A groove that travels anteriorly in the midline

                      Represents the location of the median septum that divides the tongue in halves

                      The septum is thicker posteriorly but thinner anteriorly

                      Papillae-there are 4 types of papillae on the dorsal surface of the tongue:

                      ·         Filiform-lack tast buds

                      Most numerous type of papillae

                      Have thick keratin on epithelium

                      ·         Fungiform-have taste buds that receive taste innervation from the facial nerve (chorda tympani branch)

                      Scattered throughout the dorsum of the oral part

                      Lack keratin on the epithelium

                      ·         Foliate-have taste buds that receive taste innervation from the facial nerve (chorda tympani branch)

                      Are located on the side of the tongue in 4 to 5 folds immediately anterior to the palatoglossal fold

                      Lack keratin on the epithelium

                      ·         Circumvallate-have taste buds that receive tast innervation from the glossopharyngeal nerve

                      Generally a nonkeratinized epithelium

                      Lie in a row immediately anterior to the sulcus terminalis

                      Papillae are raised projections that increase the surface area

                      5 basic types of taste are differentiated by the taste buds:

                      ·         Bitter

                      ·         Salt

                      ·         Sweet

                      ·         Sour

                      ·         Umami


                      There are numerous mucous and serous glands on the dorsal surface




                      Ventral Surface

                      ·         The mucosa is nonkeratinied stratified squamous epithelium



                      Lingual frenulum

                      A midline fold of tissue

                      Connect the ventral surface of the tongue to the floor of the oral cavity

                      Sublingual papilla

                      A swelling on both sides of the lingual frenulum at the tongue base

                      Marks the entrance of saliva from the submandibular glands into the oral cavity

                      Continuous with the sublingual folds overlying the sublingual glands on the floor of the oral cavity

                      Plica fimbriata

                      Fimbriated folds

                      Lateral to the lingual frenulum

                      Deep lingual veins

                      Can be observed through the mucosa between the plica fimbriata and the lingual frenulum

                      PHARYNGEAL PART(POSTSULCAL)

                      ·           The pharyngeal part of the tongue is also known as the posterior 1\3 of the tongue

                      ·         Develops from the hypobranchial eminence of the 3rd pharyngeal arch-thus mucosa is innervated by the nerve of the 3rd arch (the glossopharyngeal nerve)

                      ·         The area immediately posterior to the palatoglossal folds (alsa called the anterior pillar of the fauces) is the oropharynx

                      ·         Has a dorsal surface only

                      ·         Does not possess any papilla

                      Dorsal Surface

                      ·         The mucosa is nonkeratinized stratified squamous epitheelium



                      Lingual tonsils

                      Large nodules of lymphatic tissue

                      Cover the pharyngeal surface of the tongue

                      Glosseoepiglottic folds

                      Mucous membrane of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium from the pharyngeal  part and lateral wall of pharynx that reflects onto the anterior epiglottis, forming:

                      ·         Median glossoepiglottic fold

                      ·         2 lateral glossoepiglorric folds

                      The median glossoepiglottic fold is bordered by a depression on each side:

                      ·         Vallecula

                      Connect the posterior portion of the pharyngeal part of the tongue with the epiglottis of the larynx








                      Superior genial tubercle of the mandible

                      Superior fibers fan into the entire ventral surface of the tongue while intermixing with the (intrinsic muscles)

                      Intermediate fibers fan posteriorly in attach to the posterior tongue

                      Inferior fibers insert into the body of the hyoid via an aponeurosis

                      Protrusion of the tongue

                      Bilaterally-the 2 muscles will depress the central

                      Portion of the tongue, which makes the dorsal surface concave

                      Unilaterally-makes the tongue deviate to the contralateral side

                      Hypoglossal n.

                      The lingual a. is located between the genioglossus and hyoglossus mm.


                      Greater cornu and anterior portion of the body of the hyoid

                      Lateral portion of the tongue between the styloglossus m. and the interior longitudinal m.

                      Depresses the tongue


                      The lingual n., hypoglossal n., and submandibular duct are located on the lateral surface of the hyoglossus m.

                      Some authors describe the chondroglossus asa separate muscle or as part of the hyoglossus


                      Anterolateral portion near the apex of the styloid process

                      Stylomandibular ligament

                      Longitudinal portion inserts into the dorsolateral part of the tongue to intermix with the inferior longitudinal m.

                      Oblique portion inserts into the dorsolateral portion of the tongue to intermix with the hyoglossus m.

                      Retrusion of the tongue

                      Elevation of the tongue


                      Smallest of the extrinsic tongue muscles


                      Palatine aponeurosis (oral surface)

                      Lateral side of the tongue where some fibers intermix with the transverse m. and some along the dorsal surface of the tongue

                      Elevation of the root of the tongue

                      Narrows the oropharyngeal isthmus for deglutition

                      Pharyngeal plexus (the motor portion of this plexus is formed by the pharyngeal branch of the vagus n.)

                      Grouped as either an extrinsic tongue muscle of the tongue or a muscle of the soft palate







                      Superior longitudinal

                      Median septum

                      Submucous layer near epiglottis

                      Lingual margins


                      Curls the tongue’s apex and lateral margins upward, which makes the dorsal surface concae

                      Hypoglossal n.

                      Located immediately deep to the mucous membrane of the tongue’s dorsal surface

                      Inferior longitudinal

                      Root of the tongue

                      Body of the hyoid

                      Apex of the tongue


                      Curls the tongue’s apex downward, which makes the dorsal surface convex

                      Runs the length of the tongue between the hyoglossus and genioglossus mm.


                      Median septum

                      Fibrous tissue in the submucosa of the lingual margins

                      Some fibers intermix with palatoglossus

                      Narrows lengthens

                      Runs the width of the tongue


                      Submucosa of dorsal surface of tongue

                      Submucosa of ventral surface of tongue



                      Runs from the dorsal to the ventral tongue surface

                      TYPES OF SENSORY NERVE SUPPLY




                      General somatic afferent (GSA)

                      Pain, temperature, discriminative touch

                      Trigeminal (via lingual), glossopharyngeal, and vagus (via internal laryngeal), to innervate the mucosa

                      Special visceral afferent (SVA)


                      Facial (via chorda tympani), glossopharyngeal, and vagus (via internal laryngeal), to innervate the tast buds






                      Mandibular division of the trigeminal n.

                      Lies inferior to the lateral pterygoid m. amd medial and anterior to the inferior alveolar nn. Within the infratemporal fossa

                      Chorda tympani branch of the facial n. joins its posterior part

                      Lingual n. passes between the medial pterygoid m. and the ramus of the mandible to pass obliquely, entering the oral cavity bounded by the superior pharyngeal constrictor m., the medial pterygoid, and the mandible

                      Enters the oral cavity lying along the lingual tuberosity of the mandible

                      The submandibular ganglion is supended from the lingual n. at the posterior border of the hyoglossus m.

                      Continues anteriorly and passes onto the lateral surface of the hypoglossus

                      Passes from the lateral side inferiorly and medial to the submandibular duct to reach the mucosa of the tongue

                      Supplies GSA fibers to the epithelium and papillae of the tongue’s anterior 2\3, mucosa along the floor of the oral cavity (linguoalveolar ridge), and gingiva on the lingual aspect of the mandibular teeth


                      Arises as a cranial nerve from the medulla oblongata

                      Passes through the jugular foramen with the vagus and accessory nn.

                      Within the foramen, it passes between the internal carotid a. and the internal jugular v.

                      Continues inferiorly and posteriorly relative to the stylopharyngeus m.

                      Passes anteriorly with the stylopharyngeus m. and travels between the superior and middle constrictor mm. to beome located by the palatine tonsils

                      Small lingual branches distribute GSA fibers to the epithelium of the tongue’s posterior 1\3, in addition to the fauces

                      Internal laryngeal

                      Superior laryngeal branch of the vagus n.

                      Vagus n. branches from the medulla oblongata and passes through the jugular for amen with the glossopharyngeal and accessory nn.

                      Within the foramen, it passes between the internal carotid a. and the internal jugular v.

                      A series of nerves branch from the vagus in the neck, including the superior laryngeal n., which travels inferiorly posterior to the internal carotid a. on the side of the pharynx and divides into the internal and external laryngeal nn.

                      The internal laryngeal n. passes inferior to the larynx and passes through the thyrohyoid membrane with the superior laryngeal vv.

                      Distributes GSA fibers to the tongue’s base at the epiglottic region and the mucous membranes of the larynx as far inferiorly as the false vocal folds





                      Chorda tympani

                      Facial n. in the tympanic cavity

                      Carries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular ganglion and tast fibers to the anterior 2\3 of the tongue

                      Passes anteriorly to enter the tympanic cavity and lies along the tympanic membrane and malleus until exiting the petrotympanic fissure

                      Joins the posterior border of the lingual n.

                      Lingual n. is distributed to the anterior 2\3 of the tongue, and the SVA fibers from the chorda tympani travel to the taste buds in this region


                      Arises as a cranial nerve from the medulla oblongata

                      Passes through the jugular foramen with the vagus and accessory nn.

                      Within the foramen, it passes between the internal carotid a. and the internal jugular v.

                      Continues inferiorly and travels posterior to the stylopharyngeus m.

                      Passes anteriorly with the stylopharyngeus m. and travels between the superior and middle constrictor mm., to be located by the palatine tonsils

                      Small lingual branches distribute SVA fibers to the taste buds in the mucous membrane of the tongue’s posterior 1\3 and the circumvallate papilla

                      Internal laryngeal

                      Superior laryngeal branch of the vagus n.

                      Vagus n. branches from the medulla oblongata and passes through the jugular foramen with the glossopharyngeal and accessory nn.

                      Within the foramen, it passes between the internal carotid a. and the internal jugular v.

                      A series of nerves branch from the vagus in the neck, including the superior laryngeal n., which travels inferiorly posterior to the internal carotid on the side of the pharynx and divides into the internal and external laryngeal nn.

                      The internal laryngeal n. passes inferior to the larynx and passes through the thyrohyoid membrane with the superior laryngeal vv.

                      Distrbutes SVA fibers to the taste buds scattered at the base of the tongue at the epiglottic region





                      Arises as a series of rootlets from the medulla oblongata and passes through the hypoglossal canal

                      Travels inferiorly and is located between the internal carotid a. and the internal jugular v.

                      Passes anteriorly as it wraps around the occipital a.

                      Passes superficial to the external carotid and the loop pf the lingual a. in its anterior path

                      Passes deep to the posterior belly of the digastric and the stylohyoid m. and lies superficial to the hyoglossus m. with the accompanying vein of the hypoglossal n.

                      Passes deep to mylohyoid m. and continues anteriory in the genioglossus m.

                      Muscular branches supply:

                      ·         All intrinsic tongue muscles

                      ·         Hyoglossus m.

                      ·         Styloglossus m.

                      ·         Genioglossus m.

                      Pharyngeal  plexus

                      Pharyngeal plexus (the motor portion of this plexus is formed by the pharyngeal branch of the vagus n.)

                      Arises from the upper part of the inferior ganglion of the vagus n.

                      Lies along the upper border of the middle constrictor m., where it forms the pharyngeal plexus

                      Motor branches from the plexus are distributed to the muscles of the pharynx and soft palate (with the exception of the tensor veli palatine m.)

                      It the tongue, it innervates:

                      ·         Palatoglossus m





                      External carotid a. within the carotid triangle

                      Passes superiorly and medially (obliquely) toward the greater cornu of the hyoid bone and makes a loop by passing anteriorly and inferiorly while traveling superficial to the middle constrictor m.

                      While forming a loop, the artery is crossed superficially by the hypoglossal n.

                      Passes deep to the posterior belly of the digastric m. and the stylohyoid m. as it travels anteriorly, where it gives off a suprahyoid branch that travels on the superior surface of the hyoid bone, supplying the muscles in that area

                      The lingual a. passes deep to the hyoglossus m. and travels anteriorly betweem it and the genioglossus m.

                      After passing deep to the hyoglossus, 2 to 3 small dorsal lingual aa. Are given off at the posterior border of the hyoglossus.

                      The lingual a. continues to pass anteriorly and gives off the sublingual branch at the anterior border of the hyoglossus

                      The deep lingual a., the terminal branch or continuation of the lingual a. once the sublingual a. is given off, travels superiorly to reach the tongue’s vental surface

                      Dorsal lingual


                      After passing deep to the hyoglossus, 2 to 3 small dorsal lingual aa. Are given off at the posterior border of the hyoglossus; they pass in a superior direction to the posterior 1\3 of the dorsum of the tongue and provide vascular supply to the mucous membrane in this region, the palatoglossal arch, the palatine tonsil, the epiglottis, and the surrounding soft palate

                      Deep lingual

                      The deep lingual a., the terminal branch or continuation of the lingual a. once the sublingual a. is given off, travels superiorly to reach the tongue’s ventral surface

                      Located between the inferior longitudinal m. of the tongue and the mucous membrane, the deep lingual a. is accompanied by branches of the lingual n., and it anastomoses with its counterpart from the other side


                      The sublingual branch arises at the anterior border of the hyoglossus

                      The sublingual a. passes anteriorly between the genioglossus and mylohyoid mm. to the sublingual gland and provides vascular supply to the gland and the muscles and mucosa in the area

                      Typically has 2 branches of significance:

                      ·         Branch that passes mylohyoid to anastomose with submental a.

                      ·         Branch that passes deep to the gingiva to anastomose with branch from contralateral side

                      ·         At this anastomosis, typically 1 branch (although may be multiple branches) arises to enter a small lingual foramen superior to the genial tubercles in the posterior midline


                      A branch of the facial a. from the external carotid a.

                      Given off at the submandibular gland, travels anteriorly superficial to the mylohyoid m.

                      Anastomoses with a branch from the sublingual branch of the lingual a. to help supply the tongue


                      While ascending superiorly along the lateral side of the pharynx, it passes into and supplies the superior constrictor m. until reaching the palatine tonsil and root of the tongue

                      Ascending pharyngeal

                      External carotid a.

                      The smallest branch arising from the external carotid a.

                      Ascends superiorly between the lateral aspect of the pharynx and the internal carotid a.

                      Has branches supplying the palatine tonsil that anastomose with tonsillar branch of facial and dorsal lingual branches at root of the tongue




                      Receives tributaries from the deep lingual vv. On the ventral surface, and the dorsal lingual vv. From the dorsal surface

                      Passes with the lingual a., deep to the hyoglossus m., and ends in the internal jugular v.

                      The vena comitans nervi hypoglossi, or accompanying vein of the hypoglossal n., begins at the tongue’s apex and may either join the lingual v. or accompany the hypoglossal n. and enter the commen facial v., which empties into the internal jugular


                      Anastomoses with the branches of the lingual v.

                      Parallels the submental a. on the superficial surface of the mylohyoid m. and ends in the facial v.


                      • Ankyloglossia: condition in which the lingual frenulum is restricted because of an increase in tissue, leading to reduced tongue mobility
                      • Also known as tongue-tie
                      • Tongue may not be capable of protrusion beyond the incisors
                      • Tongue may not be capable of touching the palate 
                      • Tongue may have a V-shaped notch at its tip or may appear bilobed on protrusion
                      • Causes problems for babies who breastfeed
                      • If the tongue cannot clear the oral cavity of food, caries, periodontal disease, and halitosis can rresult
                      • If condition is severe, can cause a speech impediment
                      • If necessary, the lingual frenulum may be cut (frenectomy)

                      HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE  PARALYSIS 

                      • Hypoglossal nerve lesions paralyze the tongue on 1 side 
                      • On protrusion, the tongue deviates to the ipsilateral (same) or contralateral side, depending on the lesion site
                      LOWER MOTOR NEURON LESION
                      • Lesions to the hypoglossal nerve cause paralysis on the ipsilateral side:
                      1. Tongue deviates to the paralyzed side on protrusion (the paralyzed muscles will lag, causing the tip to deviate)
                      2. Musculature atrophies on the paralyzed side 
                      3. Tongue fasciculations occure on the paralyzed side 
                      Example: With a neck wound that cuts the right hypoglossal nerve, the tongue deviates to the right on protrusion, and the right half of the tongue will later demonstrate atrophy and fasciculations

                      UPPER MOTOR NEURON LESION

                      • Causes paralysis on the contralateral side:
                      1. Tongue deviates to the side opposite the lesion
                      2.  Musculature atrophies on side opposite the lesion
                      Example: After a stroke on the right side of the brain that affects the right upper motor neurons, the tongue deviates to the left on protrusion, and the left half of the tongue will atrophy

                      SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA

                      • Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for most cancers of the oral cavity 
                      • In the tonge, usually located on the anterolateral aspect
                      • Alcohol and tobacco use are risk factors
                      • Premalignant lesion, such as erythroplasia and leukoplakia, should be identified, because early diagnosis and treatment are paramount for long-term survival
                      • Radiographic imaging helps reveal the tumor's extent and location 
                      • Staging of the tumor guides prognosis

                      • Excision or radiation therapy, or possibly in combination with chemotherapy
                      • If lesion is detected early, excision may suffice 
                      • With later tumor stages, a 2nd primary squamous cell carcinoma must be excluded


                      • Leukoplakia: a commen premalignant condition of the oral cavity involving the formation of white spots on the mucous membranes of the tongue and inside the mouth 
                      • Hairy leukoplakia is a type observed in persons with compromised immune systems
                      • Risk factors:
                      1. Tobacco use
                      2. Alcohol use
                      3. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
                      4. Epstein-Barr virus infection
                      • Although a precancerous lesion, it may not progress to oral cancer


                      Defination of pericoronitis:   Pericoronitis is swelling and infection of the gum tissue around the lower wisdom teeth, lower wisdom teeth t...